7 Yoga Poses to Nurture Self-Love

Table of Contents
- The Ancient Wisdom of Self-Love
- 1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
- 2. Reclined Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)
- 3. Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
- 4. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)
- 5. Easy Seat Pose (Sukhasana)
- 6. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
- 7. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana B)
- A Note on Safety and Self-Care
- Your Self-Acceptance Journey Begins Here ❤️
In our fast-paced world, where self-criticism often speaks louder than self-compassion and it’s much easier to get lost in the noise rather than reconnect with your needs and desires, finding moments to nurture your relationship with yourself can feel like a luxury.
Among the many paths to self-discovery, yoga stands as one of humanity’s most enduring practices for connecting with our inner selves.
Beyond its physical benefits, this ancient practice offers a profound journey toward self-acceptance and love, inviting us to explore the gentle art of being kind to ourselves.
The Ancient Wisdom of Self-Love
Long before Instagram filters and self-help books, yogis in ancient India understood something fundamental about human nature: our relationship with ourselves forms the foundation for all other relationships in our lives.
The Sanskrit word “yoga” itself means “to unite,” and while many think of it as uniting body and mind, it’s also about connecting with your authentic self.
Traditional yoga philosophy teaches us that self-love isn’t selfish: it’s essential. The practice developed alongside meditation techniques specifically designed to quiet the inner critic and nurture self-compassion.
Today, modern research backs up what these ancient practitioners intuitively knew: mindful movement and breathwork can significantly impact our mental wellbeing and self-image.
Your Journey to Self-Love Through Yoga
Whether you’re new to yoga or have been practicing for years, the seven poses we’ve selected for you in this article offer a beautiful way to nurture your relationship with yourself. Each pose creates a special moment of connection, a chance to listen to your body, honor your feelings, and embrace yourself exactly as you are.
Remember: this isn’t about perfection. It’s about presence and acceptance.
On that note, let’s explore these poses together!
1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Think of Child’s Pose as giving yourself a gentle hug. This pose recreates that feeling of safety we all need sometimes, like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold day. When you fold forward and let your forehead rest on the mat, you’re literally taking a moment to pause and turn inward, creating your own little sanctuary of peace.

Self-love benefits:
- Creates a womb-like space of safety and nurturing
- The inward-folding nature symbolizes self-embrace
- Pressure on the forehead activates the vagus nerve, promoting calm
2. Reclined Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)
There’s something incredibly vulnerable yet empowering about lying back and opening your heart to the sky. This pose asks us to literally let our guard down: something that can feel scary at first but becomes a powerful act of self-trust with practice.

Self-love benefits:
- Promotes receptivity to self-compassion
- Releases hip tension where emotions often store
- Creates a feeling of being held and supported
3. Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is simply turn our perspective upside down. This pose is like hitting the reset button on your day (and your relationship with yourself). It’s a chance to let gravity do the work while you focus on simply being.

Self-love benefits:
- Signals the nervous system to relax deeply
- Reverses energy flow, refreshing mind
- Provides complete surrender and trust
4. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)
This therapeutic pose offers a powerful combination of physical and emotional benefits. By gently compressing the abdomen while supporting your back, it aids digestion and releases tension in both body and mind.
The pose gets its name from its ability to ease digestive discomfort, but its benefits extend far beyond that: it’s a gentle reminder that taking care of our body’s basic needs is an essential form of self-love.
For an even more soothing effect, gently rock on your back from side to side while staying in this pose.

Self-love benefits:
- Promotes acceptance of natural bodily functions
- Creates a nurturing self-embrace position
- Helps release shame or embarrassment about digestive issues
- Encourages listening to the body’s needs
- The curled position can feel emotionally protective and soothing
5. Easy Seat Pose (Sukhasana)
What looks like a simple seated position is actually a pose that creates a powerful foundation for connecting with yourself. Known traditionally as a meditation seat, Sukhasana helps establish the perfect balance of alertness and ease.
As you settle into a comfortable seated position, feeling your body grounded against the floor while your spine reaches upward, you create a channel for energy to flow freely through your body. This natural alignment allows your mind to settle, making space for self-reflection and inner listening.

Self-love benefits:
- Creates sacred space for self-reflection
- Develops mind-body-heart connection
- Encourages listening to inner wisdom
6. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Like a cobra rising from the ground, this pose embodies transformation and strength. As you lift your heart toward the sky, you’re literally and figuratively opening yourself to new possibilities and perspectives.

Self-love benefits:
- Opens heart chakra
- Builds confidence through chest opening
- Symbolizes rising above challenges
- Promotes self-expression
- Counteracts emotional withdrawal
7. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana B)
Standing strong in Warrior II isn’t just about physical strength. It’s about claiming your space in the world. This pose reminds us that self-love sometimes means being our own champion and protector.

Self-love benefits:
- Builds physical and emotional strength
- Opens heart while maintaining boundaries
- Embodies courage and self-advocacy
A Note on Safety and Self-Care
As you explore these poses, remember that true self-love includes honoring your body’s limits and needs. Keep these guidelines in mind:
Listen to Your Body:
- If something doesn’t feel right, modify or skip the pose.
- Mild discomfort is okay, pain is not.
- Use props generously – blocks, blankets, and bolsters are your friends.
Honor Your Emotional Space:
- Some poses might bring up unexpected feelings.
- It’s okay to come out of a pose if it feels too intense.
- Take breaks when needed.
Practice Patience:
- Start where you are, not where you think you should be.
- Build your practice gradually.
- Celebrate small progress.
Your Self-Acceptance Journey Begins Here ❤️
Remember, the core focus of yoga isn’t touching your toes or perfecting a pose: it’s touching your heart and accepting yourself exactly as you are. These poses are simply invitations to spend time with yourself, to listen deeply, and to nurture the most important relationship you’ll ever have: the one with yourself.
Start with just one pose that calls to you, and let your practice grow naturally from there. Your body (and heart) will thank you for it.