11 Crazy Yoga Poses for A Hardcore Practice
Push your limits with these 11 crazy yoga poses! Discover most challenging yoga postures and how to get prepared for them.
Table of Contents
- Safety Warning
- 11 Crazy Yoga Poses for a Challenging Practice
- Tips to Deepen Your Practice Before Crazy Yoga Poses
- Wrapping Up
Many potential yogis shy away from the practice because they are convinced that they’ll have to do some of the crazy yoga poses that they see all over the internet.
While yoga is truly for everyone, it’s important to master the basics before attempting some of the most advanced yoga poses. Find a qualified, registered yoga instructor to help you enhance your flexibility, strength, and level of confidence so that you can take on more challenging postures.
Safety Warning
The following yoga poses are advanced and not recommended for beginners or intermediates without the supervision of a registered yoga teacher. Attempting these poses without proper guidance could lead to serious injury. We strongly advise seeking the direction of a registered yoga instructor before practicing any advanced postures.
11 Crazy Yoga Poses for a Challenging Practice
1. Eight-Angle Pose (Astavakrasana)
Like most advanced poses, this powerful, twisted arm balance will simultaneously challenge your strength, flexibility, and equilibrium. Astavakrasana requires a solid upper body and a strong core to balance on the hands and simultaneously twist, while keeping the legs wrapped and lifted.
2. Shoulder-Pressing Pose (Bhujapidasana)
Strong arms and a solid core are required for this posture, where the entire body balances on the hands. With the hips in deep flexion, the thighs wrapped around the upper arms, and the feet lifted and crossed, considerable flexibility is also imperative. An even more challenging variation, Titibasana (Firefly Pose) requires straightening the legs in the pose.
3. Headstand Pose (Sirsasana)
This advanced inversion offers many benefits, such as rejuvenating the body and de-stressing the mind. It must be practiced with proper alignment and engagement to ensure safety, especially for the neck. You will need a powerful upper body and core to balance entirely on the arms,with less than fifty percent of the weight on the head. Once mastered, Headstand Pose can be modified or enhanced with a plethora of variations, including the double-wrapped legs of Eagle Pose (Garudasana).
4. Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)
Strong legs are a key component to this intense arm balance, yet able wrists, forearms, core, and back are just as important, making Mayurasana a full body strengthener. Using props such as blocks, the wall, or a chair, can render this pose more accessible, and surprisingly, adding a lotus variation will additionally create an easier time with lifting both legs.
5. Scorpion Pose (Vrschikasana)
This challenging forearm balance with a deep backbend is a traditional Ashtanga pose requiring strength, flexibility, and confidence. Advanced practitioners often begin this pose from Sirsasana (Headstand Pose).
6. Visvamitrasana
Named for the sage, Visvamitra, this complex pose is a combination of two other intense yoga poses: Vashistasana (Side Plank Pose) and Surya Yantrasana (Compass Pose). As it requires a combination of balance and coordination, Visvamitrasana calls for flexibility in the hips and hamstrings and strength in the arms, legs, and core.
7. King Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)
Kapotasana is a challenging backbend that requires significant back flexibility. As it opens the whole front body, it also stimulates the abdominal organs, creating many benefits for overall health. A strong core and powerful legs will give this pose balance and stability…
8. Formidable Face Pose (Gandha Bherundasana)
This advanced posture, and quite possibly the hardest yoga move, is an intense backbend practiced while balancing in a chin stand. This challenging pose, which is part of the third series of Ashtanga yoga, requires considerable flexibility, strength, balance, and a good sense of humor.
9. Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana)
Karnapidasana is a powerful hip-opener and a great stretch for the whole back body. You can’t be shy practicing this pose, which involves lying on the back, bringing the legs over the head, and the knees to the ears. It requires advanced flexibility in the hips, spine, and shoulders.
10. Fallen Angel (Devaduuta Panna Asana)
The beauty of this pose is in more than just its physicality: practicing Devaduuta Panna Asana represents our ability to be in a state of grace regardless of life’s challenges. Getting into this pose, an advanced variation of Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow), requires a strong upper body foundation and a solid core. It involves balancing on the hands with the head on the ground, one knee on the triceps, and the other leg extended upwards.
11. Flying Splits Pose (Eka Pada Koundinyasana)
Eka Pada Koundinyasana is a challenging arm balance that merges Chaturanga (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) with a sideways Hanumanasana (Splits Pose). It requires significant upper body strength and core stability, as well as hip flexibility and mobility. This asymmetrical pose enhances balance, focus, and invites you to conquer your fears.
Tips to Deepen Your Practice Before Crazy Yoga Poses
If you’re new to yoga, you might wonder when you can finally take your shot at some cool-looking yoga poses. While these challenging yoga poses are not beginner-friendly, there are some things you can do to move your practice towards them.
Maintain a Consistent Practice
Many advanced postures require high levels of strength, flexibility, and balance. Committing to a steady practice will help build all of these, giving you time to explore more dynamic poses, including yoga inversions.
Use Beginner-Friendly Modifications
Simplify the hardest yoga moves with modifications, including:
- Using blocks or straps to make the pose more accessible
- Practicing the pose against a wall for additional support
- Keeping the feet on the ground, or lifting one foot/leg at a time in poses such as Astavakrasana (Eight Angle Pose), Bhujapidasana (Shoulder-Pressing Pose), Mayurasana (Peacock Pose), and Titibasana (Firefly Pose)
Focus on One Advanced Pose at a Time
Give yourself time to build up to each pose individually. As you bring your attention to the movements and nuances of that particular posture, you can modify and adjust to your most appropriate expression.
Attend Yoga Classes with a Registered Teacher
While you can significantly benefit from using a yoga app to build a practice on your own, attending a class with an experienced yoga instructor is the key to taking things to the next level.
A skillful teacher will be able to guide you through the steps to correctly enter advanced poses. They can provide feedback and adjustments to keep you safe, while advising how long to stay in a yoga pose.
Wrapping Up
- Crazy yoga poses can elevate your practice but must be done safely. They are not recommended for beginner or intermediate yogis without adequate supervision from a skilled, registered yoga teacher.
- The most difficult yoga positions simultaneously challenge and build strength, flexibility, and balance.
- Nobody masters the hardest yoga pose in the world on the first attempt. Lay the proper groundwork by maintaining regular practice, using modifications, focusing on one pose at a time, and attending classes with a registered yoga teacher.