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How to Practice Plank Pose in Yoga: Benefits, Risks, & Variations

7 min read
a woman in white sportswear is practicing yoga, doing plank pose, plank yoga pose
Elyce Neuhauser post Reviewer Elyce Neuhauser post Reviewer
Verified by Elyce Neuhauser
Yoga Expert, E-RYT 500, Certified Meditation Coach

Table of Contents

Plank Pose is a foundational yoga pose that offers numerous benefits for both the mind and body. It’s often incorporated into yoga flows to build core strength, stability, and endurance.

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What is Plank Pose?

Plank Pose, also known as Phalakasana in Sanskrit, is a simple and accessible yet powerful yoga posture that engages multiple muscle groups. To practice this pose, position your body parallel to the ground, with hands directly under the shoulders and toes tucked under.

Benefits of Plank Pose

Strengthens the Core

Plank Pose primarily targets the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. Regular practice helps build a strong and stable foundation, enhancing overall body strength.

Tones the Arms and Shoulders

Holding Plank Pose engages the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and upper back, leading to improved tone and definition.

Enhances Posture

The muscles responsible for maintaining proper posture, such as the erector spinae and the transverse abdominis, are strengthened while practicing Plank Pose. Engaging these muscles in this posture can help alleviate back pain and promote better overall alignment.

Improves Balance and Stability

Plank Pose improves proprioception and body awareness, making it easier to maintain equilibrium in other postures and activities.

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Prepares for Arm Balances

Plank Pose builds strength and stability in the arms, shoulders, and core, laying the foundation for challenging arm-balancing postures.

How to Practice Plank Pose

visual instructions on how to practice plank pose in yoga

From Table Top:

  1. Start in Table Top pose with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Extend your legs by stepping your feet back with your toes tucked under.
  3. Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine as you lengthen your tailbone towards your heels.
  4. Maintain a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels with the legs fully engaged. Broaden your collarbones, hug the ribs in, and keep the shoulder blades on the back.
  5. Gaze slightly forward, ensuring your head remains in line with your spine.
  6. Breathe steadily as you hold the pose. 

From Downward Facing Dog:

  1. From Downward Facing Dog, shift your weight forward, stacking your shoulders directly over your wrists. You may need to step your feet slightly back to keep your hips in line with your heels.
  2. Allow your body to be in one long line with the abdominal muscles strongly engaged. 
  3. Firmly press your hands down as if you were pushing the floor away and spread your fingers wide.
  4. Breathe smoothly while you hold the pose.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Sagging or lifting the hips: Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels by keeping the core muscles engaged, the legs and glutes active, the hips level, and the tailbone lengthened. 
  • Dropping the head: Gaze slightly forward with your head in line with your spine and ears lined up with the shoulders. Broaden the collar bones and engage the upper back muscles to maintain stability and avoid any strain or compression in the neck.
  • Collapsing the shoulders: Actively press the floor away from you with the fingers spread wide and the center of the palms lifting up. Notice the engagement of the back muscles – including the rhomboids, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi – which will help to prevent the shoulders from hunching or sinking.
  • Holding the breath: Breathe smoothly and deeply as you hold the pose, allowing for a sense of steadiness and ease.

Plank Pose Risks

Wrist Injury

Plank Pose places significant weight on the wrists, potentially leading to strain or discomfort, especially if there is a history of weakness or injuries. Ensure that your fingers are spread wide, and as the hands press into the floor, there is an awareness of an energetic lift from the center of the palms.

A weak core will also put more strain on the wrists. To mitigate this risk, ensure proper alignment of shoulders and engage the deep core muscles. Consider modifications like Forearm Plank, or use props like a wall or chair.

Shoulder Injury

Holding Plank Pose requires the engagement of the shoulder muscles, and incorrect alignment or excessive stress can lead to rotator cuff strains or impingement. Draw the shoulder blades towards each other and engage the core, which also helps improve the efficiency and strength of the rotator cuff. [1]

Lower Back Strain

Poor form, including excessive lower back arching, can strain the muscles and lead to discomfort or injury. It’s crucial to engage the glutes and tilt the pelvis back and down, which results in greater activation of the deep core muscles and helps to avoid lower back strain.

Neck Strain

Keep your gaze slightly forward, the back of the head lifted, and ears in line with your shoulders to maintain proper alignment and prevent unnecessary strain on the neck.

Existing Injuries

If you have pre-existing wrist, shoulder, or back injuries or conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or rotator cuff issues, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if Plank Pose is appropriate for you. A qualified teacher can help you explore various modifications or alternatives.

How Long Do You Hold Plank Pose?

  • As a transition pose: During a flow or sequence, you can hold Plank Pose for an inhale before exhaling to another pose, like Chaturanga or Downward Facing Dog.
  • For strength and muscle building: Aim to hold Plank Pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, gradually increasing the duration as your strength improves.
  • For balance and relaxation: Consider holding Plank Pose for a shorter duration, around 3 to 5 breaths, to cultivate a steady breath and calm mind.

Plank Pose in Yoga: Variations

an illustration of four variations of plank pose in yoga, including Plank Pose on a Chair, Half Plank Pose, Forearm Plank, and Side Plank

Plank Pose on a Chair

Place your hands on the seat of a sturdy chair instead of the floor, maintaining the same alignment as in the traditional Plank Pose. This variation reduces the load on the wrists and can benefit those who need to strengthen the core and back muscles safely.

Half Plank Pose

In this variation, lower your knees to the ground while keeping your upper body in the same alignment as Plank Pose. Ensure that the knees are behind the hips rather than directly underneath. This modification reduces the intensity and allows for a gentler approach while still engaging the core and upper body muscles.

Forearm Plank

Begin in a similar position as Plank Pose but with your forearms on the ground, parallel to each other, and shoulders over elbows. In this variation, clenching the fists can strengthen the muscles around the wrists.

Side Plank

From Plank Pose, shift your weight onto one hand and turn the body to one side, stacking your legs in one long line with the feet flexed and on top of each other. Extend the top arm towards the ceiling. This arm balance strengthens the obliques and improves lateral stability.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating Plank Pose into your yoga practice offers many benefits for both body and mind. By following proper alignment and avoiding common mistakes, you can build core strength and enhance posture while finding a sense of steadiness and ease in a challenging place. Explore different variations to either modify as you build strength or challenge yourself and keep your practice engaging. Consistency and patience are key to cultivating all the balance and stability that Plank Pose has to offer.

Disclaimer This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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